MCG Career College offers an accelerated certificate program that has you career ready in just 5 months. The Medical Office Assistant and Unit Clerk program...
Personal connections and a face-to-face learning environment are what truly elevates the post-secondary experience. It can improve your learning experience, result in lifelong friendships and...
There is more to a successful career in healthcare than your skills training and clinical abilities. While the hands-on skills education is vital, so is...
Finding balance amidst the chaos April is Stress Awareness Month; a great opportunity to assess the sources of stress in your life, learn about effective...
March 15, 2020: COVID-19 operational update The Government of Alberta has officially announced that in-person post-secondary classes are cancelled and K-12 schools and childcare centres...
Welcoming international students to our campuses across Alberta At MCG, we pride ourselves in offering programming that is flexible and welcoming to all. To that...