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Studying in Canada

Top 5 tips to succeed in a Canadian classroom 

Did you know that Canada is ranked #1 in the world for quality of life? An incredible place to live and work, there are many options for those deciding to head back to school to elevate their education, and many opportunities to start a new and exciting career. The journey to move to a new country is already full of challenges and unknowns, so we’ve put together a list of the top five tips about the norms of academic life in Canada so newcomers can be ready to walk into the classroom with the confidence they need to succeed.

Open discussion is encouraged 

It’s okay to have a different point of view from your classmates and instructors. In fact, it’s encouraged to have healthy discussions and debates! In a classroom setting, everyone has an important perspective or opinion to bring to the discussion. Your voice is meant to be heard.

Be ready for a hands-on experience 

Depending on where you came from, you may be used to a lecture-style of teaching. While that is an important component of any curriculum, there are significant advantages to hands-on training and many reasons why it’s important in the classroom. Be ready to roll up your sleeves and get practical experience outside of a textbook.

You will be evaluated 

Courses are evaluated differently — some may have a few assessments that occur throughout the program and some may have one midterm exam and one final exam. If you are struggling with keeping up or any of the assigned course work or lectures, you are encouraged to speak with an advisor who can help you get back on track. Remember that you are not alone and that we want you to succeed!

Group work is commonplace 

In many Canadian classrooms, you will be required to work in groups with other students in your class. Often, some of your grade will be measured on your ability to work well with your classmates, collaborate, share responsibility and produce good work. Beyond your mark, this is a great way to meet other students in your class and build a community.

Don’t be afraid to engage 

Don’t shy away from instructors or classmates. Listen attentively when someone else is speaking, take notes during class, smile, ask for clarification, ask questions, etc. All of these nonverbal and verbal cues signal to the instructor that you are engaged and paying attention.

Navigating a new country can be challenging. At MCG Career College, we’re here to help you feel like part of a new community. By providing relevant education, top instruction and flexible programming that fits your life, we are empowering students with the confidence and skills they need to become leaders and business owners in our community. Apply today and be closer to adapting to a new and exciting country and career!