The success of our students is important to us. Through our relevant training and top instruction, students are empowered with the confidence and skills they need to become leaders who serve their communities. This includes adhering to our rules, regulations and policies, outlined below:
In-Person Learning
Full attendance and participation in all class sessions are required, as well as completion of other course materials.
Synchronous Learning
Full participation in virtual live lectures and discussions is required, as well as completion of other course materials.
Asynchronous Learning
Weekly involvement in course materials is mandatory, which encompasses activities such as participating in discussion posts, completing evaluations, viewing video lectures, among other learning tasks.
The passing mark is 60%, unless specified as higher in a particular program and/or course outline (this may be the case where critical competencies may be required).
The following considerations are assessed before a practicum spot is deemed appropriate for students:
Based on the above-mentioned considerations, the program performs its due diligence in placing a student at a site that reflects a good fit.
Students must successfully complete their practicum (if applicable) to graduate. While MCG will make every effort to accommodate students with respect to location, hours, etc., students must be prepared to complete a full-time practicum at a location assigned by MCG College and during the hours as agreed by the host location. Any costs associated with practicum including but not limited to travel, accommodation, food, etc. are the sole responsibility of the student.
Our intent is to provide a positive, comfortable, informal environment conducive to learning. Argumentative, confrontational or negative behavior is unacceptable. Respectful behavior towards self, instructors and fellow students is compulsory.
MCG is committed to an education and work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. MCG expects that all relationships among persons on the campus will be free of bias, prejudice, and harassment.
Students are always required to dress in a professional manner suitable for their chosen profession. Some programs require students to wears scrubs in clinical lab settings. In this case, the following guidelines apply:
MCG recognizes that students may possess cell phones, iPads and other electronic transmitting devices. Their usage, however, is strictly prohibited during lectures and in the lab space (unless for educational purposes as directed by your instructor).
If you encounter personal, financial, academic or health problems during your time in the Program, you should approach any instructor who will then attempt to support and guide you to the most appropriate resource(s). Differences in opinion between an instructor and a student are to be discussed in private.